Allergens - Ristorante da Nardino

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Una cucina di ispirazione Mediterranea, raffinata e discreta.
Antichi Sapori...
Un menù sempre attuale, ricco di prodotti di prima qualità senza trascurare i piatti tipici tradizionali.
La Cultura della cucina mediterranea è quello che ci differenzia.
1.  Gluten:
Cereals, wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut, including hybrids and derivatives

2.  Crustaceans and derivatives:
Both marine and freshwater ones: prawns, scampi, lobsters,
crabs, hermit crabs and the like.

3. Eggs and derivatives:
All products made with eggs, even if minimal.
Among the most common: mayonnaise, omelette, emulsifiers, egg pasta, biscuits and cakes, including savory ones, ice creams and creams, etc.

4.  Fish and derivatives:
Including derivatives, i.e. all those food products that are made up of fish, even if in small percentages.

5.  Peanuts and derivatives:
Packaged snacks, creams and condiments in which there is even in small doses.

6.  Soy and derivatives:
Milk, tofu, spaghetti, etc.

7.  Milk and derivatives:
Yogurt, biscuits and cakes, ice cream and various creams. Any product in which milk is used.

8.  Nuts and derivatives:
All products including: Almonds, Hazelnuts, Walnuts, Cashew Nuts, Pecans, Brazil and Queensland Nuts, Pistachios.

9.  Celery and derivatives:
Present in pieces but also in preparations for soups, sauces and vegetable concentrates.

10. Mustard and derivatives:
It can be found in sauces and condiments, especially mustard

11. Sesame Seeds And Derivatives:
In addition to the whole seeds used for bread, we can find traces in some types of flour.

12.  Sulfur dioxide and sulphites in concentrations above 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l expressed as SO2:
Used as preservatives, we can find them in: canned fish products, in pickled, pickled and pickled foods, in jams, in vinegar, in dried mushrooms and in soft drinks and fruit juices.

13.  Lupine beans and derivatives:
Now present in many vegan foods, in the form of roasts, salamis, flours and similar products based on this legume, rich in protein.

14.  Molluscs and derivatives:
Scallop, razor clam, scallop, heart, sea date, fasolaro, garagolo, snail, mussel, murex, oyster, limpet, sea truffle, cockle and clam etc.

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